
Showing posts from August, 2021

SF Bay Area Tech Worker Thinking Prenup Agreement? Call The Bartlett Law Firm In Oakland


Prenup Agreement? Call The Bartlett Law Firm In Oakland, Berkeley, And ...


Bartlett Law Firm, Berkeley and Oakland, California Pre-Nuptial Agreements Legal Representation

On pre-nuptial agreements, Bartlett Law Firm, a Berkeley and Oakland, California family law specialist, is urging couples considering marriage to discuss their financial issues prior to tying the knot. The Berkeley and Oakland law firm has successfully represented hundreds of people through a divorce, with the most significant issues discussions and delays revolving around monetary issues. Money is the number one source of arguments and divorce in America today, but it is also a taboo subject in the preparation for marriage for many couples. People are ashamed of the debt they hold and do not want to risk losing the person they love due to shame or embarrassment, choosing instead to bury their head in the sand. Unfortunately, this is not a long-term strategy and can lead to arguments within the marriage once the true scale of the problem comes out. That's why a pre-nuptial agreement is necessary. A pre-nuptial agreement is becoming ever more critical for people with a high net w